Arundel Castle Festival Of History, 24th - 26th September 2024

Arundel Castle

Characters Through History - 12th century

Very successful first day, plenty of visitor interaction and 650 happy visitors over the day.

Damp and overcast, humid and chilly, strange old day weather wise.

Welcome to Redfox Archery to the castle events (familiar looking lads).

Day 2 Another 600 visitors through the gates, and I thought more engaging than yesterday. Still dull and overcast, and a dampness in the air (and mozzies) but none of the wet stuff so dry canvas at least.

Huge thank you to all whom attended today to support and participate in the event.

Thanks to Sam Miller for adding to the videos and photos when I was doing the Moat Tours.

Very successful end to the season at the Castle, and a huge thanks to everyone who has attended and she'd sweat and blood, in whatever capacity in order to put on a good show, demonstration or interaction with the public.

All very much appreciated.