Bignor Villa Stone Age to Norman, 30th - 31st May 2024

Bignor Villa

Bignor Roman Villa Day 1

The weather gods clearly were unsure what to do today, so gave us a bit of everything.

Showers, sunshine, overcast, spits and spots.

But 40 visitors had a wander around, some staying and chatting for most of our time at the villa.

Very relaxed few hours chatting and putting the world to rights.

Many thanks to those who were able to attend, same and more tomorrow I hope.

Day 2

Promising start gave way to grey and overcast day at the villa but at least the wind eased as it was a bit blowy first thing.

25 visitors over the time at the villa, not as engaging as yesterday, so an opportunity for spot of training and plenty of chatting.

Many thanks to everyone who was able to attend and support the event, your time always much appreciated