Arundel Castle Skirmish, 25th - 27th May 2024

Arundel Castle

15th Century Skirmish

Day 1 of 3 at Arundel Castle and a beautiful day, and very engaging visitors.

Huge thank you to those who attended and made the first day so successful. Some excellent combat, table displays and great feedback from visitors.

Day Two

Grey skies yielded to blue skies and a second glorious day weather wise at the castle.

Some excellent combat and arena demonstrations which lead to huge congratulations to Sir Walter Manney aka Marek and William de Kerr aka Gavin for well deserved knighthoods.

Great effort again by all table displays and demonstrations, and huge thank you to Morag, Emma, Courts and Stephen for cooking, prepping and buying the food, and Tina for proving the hare.

A second day of 1750 visitors to the castle, different in temperament and interaction to Saturdays crowd, but again plenty of positive feedback.

Thank you to Jand C, and Sasha for adding to todays photos and videos.

Final day to tomorrow, here's hoping for none of the wet stuff.

Thank you to everyone for your time and support, it's always very much appreciated.

Day Three

Huge thank you to everyone who participated over the three days, well over 5000 visitors over the weekend and a very successful event it was.

Lots of positive feedback from visitors and castle staff about everything they saw and participated in.

Huge thanks to Morag, Courtney, Emma, and Stephen for all the cooking, buying, prepping of all the food, can't say I saw much left so clearly went down well.

Huge pats on the backs to Stephen and Pete for varying leadership roles for both countries, to Marek for todays fights with Chevalier Martin (they really were awesome to watch), to George, Glenn and Steph for running the Archers lines (some squeaky bum moments there folks, but archery really looked great, so well done all), and to everyone who had made the encampment look great by dressing the tables, weapons and armour displays, encampment really looked great.

Thanks to Steph, Jane, Kim and Sam M for adding photos today.

Personally, I thought it was one of the best Skirmishes we have done at the castle in a long time. Certainly the weather helped, despite the heavy shower, always good to go home with dry tents.