Arundel Castle Siege Filming, 24th March 2024

Arundel Castle

Spot of filming at Arundel Castle to represent the final siege in 1643...

The Royalist Army in the South had been divided for quartering over Winter. This ensured that if the whole army had been in one place, it would have made too tempting a target for Parliamentarian forces...

800 men, under Colonel Joseph Bamfield and Sir Edward Ford of UpPark, the County Sheriff, were quartered in the town... The arrival of 3,000 Parliamentarian forces under Sur William Waller saw a two pronged attack on the castle, forcing the Royalists back into the castle without securing enough food and supplies.

As water was polluted or dammed it ran out in the castle. With no food and water, disease broke out and after 17 days the castle was forced to an attacking force that had risen to 10,000...

Today's filming involving members of the Rawdons Regiment, and two of RT, is for a video that will play in the Civil War Room at the castle...