Warriors of Arundel Castle 1066-1645, 8th - 9th April 2017
Arundel Castle
Well ladies and gentlemen that was a cracking opening event for the 2017 Season at the castle.... Excellent weather, very impressive visitor numbers and some outstanding displays.
It just proved how far people have come, and how much Winter training has helped with display, combat style, flow and overall skill... It has been a great two days and everyone deserves a huge pat on the back for all the fights over the two days.
Well done to all the archers who despite no practice over Winter managed some excellent shooting... My thanks to John Steele for coming down from Rutland to run the line, much appreciated.
Always good to see the ladies from all the periods covered being included in the outside display and getting plenty of well deserved attention. The crafts in the Stone Hall again proved really popular and it was great to see so many visitors staying to talk to everyone in the group.
My thanks to all those who were able to attend the event, and for making it an really great weekend. My appreciation and gratitude to all as always.